Website Copywriting: SiRNAgen

When SiRNAgen reached out about updating its website, it was clear the company didn't have a need for a full website copy overhaul. Like so many startups, their budget, time, and content were limited. In order to meet their needs, we decided to create the Copywriting Light Package. We did a one-hour informal interview so we could get to know the company. They sent us their published works, slide decks, and a rough outline of each page. From there, we used the existing content and our interview to craft four beautifully written web pages for half the cost of a full website copy overhaul.

Check out the website here: siRNAgen Therapeutics | SAMiRNA Platform


Social Media Strategy and Execution: IQVIA Institute of Human Data Science


LinkedIn Profile: Seasoned esthetician and new business owner